Where are MaxLinear's corporate headquarters?

5966 La Pl Ct #100
Carlsbad, California 92008

Where is the company incorporated?

MaxLinear incorporated in the State of Delaware in September 2003

When was MaxLinear's IPO? What was the price?

On March 23, 2010 approximately 6.4 million shares of common stock were sold at a price of $14.00 per share.

Who were the underwriters for MaxLinear's IPO?

Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank were the primary underwriters. Needham & Co, Thomas Weisel Partners and UBS were the secondary underwriters.

What is the ticker symbol for MaxLinear and where is the company listed?

MaxLinear's common stock is listed on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol MXL.

Who is the contact person for Investor Relations at MaxLinear?

Company Contact

Investor Contact
Leslie Green

Who is MaxLinear's transfer agent?

Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000
T: 781-575-4238

Who is the outside legal counsel for MaxLinear?

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
12235 El Camino Real
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92130
Phone | 858-350-2300
Fax | 858-350-2399

Who are the independent auditors for MaxLinear?

The company's external auditors are Grant Thornton LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm.

How can I buy shares of MaxLinear shares through the company?

MaxLinear does not currently offer a direct stock purchase plan. MaxLinear stock can be purchased or sold through a stockbroker, bank, or other financial institution that provides brokerage services

Where can I find SEC filings and other financial materials on MaxLinear, such as your form 10-K?

You can visit the SEC Filings section of the IR website, or download releases and tables from the Financial Information section.

When does MaxLinear's fiscal year end?

MaxLinear's fiscal year ends December 31.

When are MaxLinear's financial results announced?

If a date for the quarterly financial results release has been established, it will be listed on the home page of the Investor Relations section of the website. If no date is listed, then the date has not yet been established.

Does MaxLinear pay dividends?

MaxLinear does not currently pay dividends.

How do I get added to MaxLinear's email distribution list?

Please go to the E-mail Alerts section of our website.

How do I replace a lost or stolen certificate?

Please contact:
Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
250 Royall Street
Canton, MA 02021

Shareholder Services: 781.575.2000